About Us

ACME Props & Gags
ACME Corporation is a fictional corporation. We have a long and illustrious manufacturing history. Our first product was the humble anvil. Later, in a fit of inspiration while lifting an anvil for muscle development at muscle beach, we dropped it to rush to stop a child from crossing a dangerous intersection. Right then we came up with the idea for a “Stop” and “Go” traffic signal with semaphore arms and small red and green lights. We threw in a loud 5-second ringing bell to signal that the the flags we about to change.

The Catalog Years
After our anvils made us loads of money after appearing in numerous catalogs, we sold our traffic light division, then we set our sites on the absurd. Staring at an anvil in our fab, hoisted up by a crane ito have it’s bottom inspected, we suddenly realized something of comic brilliance. We shared the idea with some muscle building friends who were annomators by professions. They loved the idea and asked if we could make some prototypes for them to pitch in their next animated comic.
The rest is, as they say “history.” What happened after that was momentous. We were able to stop making real items and moved to manufacturing props for animated features. All the hollywood comic stars starting insisting that only ACME props and gags were used in their films. Thanks Wylie, Beeps, Porky and Bugs, for believing in us.
…ah..Th-th-th-tha-tha-tha-that’s all, folks!